Piranha-Waves getting ready for 2018 season!

Hi everyone,

As you may know by now, Piranhas and Waves are joining forces this season. We will be competing under the Piranha-Waves name. The team is working hard behind the scenes to get everything ready for the season.

In addition, swim-team.us has closed and we have moved our registration and team info to two new homes. All general team information will be housed here on this blog. Why a blog? Well it allows us to communicate directly to you and for you to provide feedback. Also you can subscribe to our blog so that whenever new posts are added you will be notified. This blog will auto post to our Facebook Group as well, giving you several options to keep up to date with all our activities.

This is a new adventure for us and something we are looking forward to doing this season. Some information has already been posted here on the pages. But because we are in transition, some information will be added later as we get more information to work.

Please don't hesitate to contact us at pwswims@gmail.com and/or post a message on the Facebook group.

Piranhas make Waves!

Renise, Taneyha & Ute


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