League Code of Conduct

Cobb Summer Swim League, Inc. (CSSL) provides an opportunity for children to compete in a wholesome and fun atmosphere. The competition ceases to be fun when adults and swimmers behave in an unacceptable manner. The Cobb Summer Swim League Executive Council has decided that unacceptable behavior will no longer be tolerated. The following rules, regulations, and penalties will be implemented and will be subject to penalties detailed below.

1. Smoking and alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the fenced pool area during a CSSL meet. It is the Team Coordinator’s responsibility to assure all families are aware of this rule.
  1. Alcoholic beverages inside the fence will cause the meet to be delayed while the offender removes them from the pool deck. 
  2. A second offense by the same team will result in forfeiture of the meet and a written warning to the Team. 
  3. A third offense will result in the team forfeiting the meet and a fine of $250/incident. The team may choose to pass this fine along to the offender, but the League will require payment prior to any further meet participation by this team. 

2. Unruly, disruptive or unsafe conduct may be cause for removal from the fenced pool area. Coordinators, coaches and volunteers are to conduct themselves with honesty, responsibility and good sportsmanship or face possible sanction by the CSSL organization. 

3. Please be reminded that jumping in at the end of a swim meet is prohibited and will result in a forfeit. 

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