Bad weather policy

The swim team's bad weather process

In general, assume that practice or swim meets will happen as scheduled unless otherwise notified. 

30-Minute rule

Generally, whenever we hear thunder, all swimmers must exit the pool and wait 30 minutes before attempting to re-enter the water. For each additional sound of thunder, the 30 minute timer gets continually reset. This will repeat until we can get to 30 minutes without any thunder or lightning.

Swim practices

  1. If practice has already begun and thunder is heard, all swimmers are required to exit the pool and seek shelter. 
    1. At that point the Coaches and Coordinators will decide wether to pause practice, move to land exercises or cancel practice altogether.
  2. If practice has not begun, we will send notice via email, text or Facebook if we will be doing land exercises or will cancel practice for that day.

Swim meet bad weather policy

These are general guidelines we use to decide whether a swim meet will be delayed or rescheduled due to bad weather. Each event's weather will be evaluated independently and families will be notified via text, email, Facebook or a combination of all three.
  1. If there are no thunderstorms by 5 pm plan on being there for the meet.
  2. Once at the meet, coaches, coordinators and the referee will observe the weather and make a decision (if needed). The last choice decision is to cancel the meet. It is easier to delay the meet start, since everyone is already there, versus sending everyone home only to return on Thursday again. So options are that: 
    1. The meet can be delayed. We will wait at the pool under shelter until the storm passes enough to start the meet.
    2. The meet can be accelerated by skipping warm up and going straight into competition (why it is important to be on time for meet regardless of the weather).
    3. As a last resort, the meet is canceled and rescheduled to Thursday.
  3. Lightning and thunder rule : when we hear thunder, all swimmers must exit the water to safe shelter and the meet will be delayed 30 minutes. After that time, even if it is still raining, the meet will resume. Any events that were paused mid-race will be run again first before moving to the next event.
  4. As long as we can get to event #46, the meet will count and will not have to be rescheduled. The referee, coordinators and coaches work together to make sure that we can safely get the meet to at least event #46.


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