Volunteer job descriptions

Use the pages below to learn about how to do the various volunteer jobs at a swim meet. Individual pages can be printed as needed. These will also be available at the check-in table.

View the checklists for general setup and takedown and, concessions setup and takedown.

#1 - Place Judge

#2 - Scorer

#3 - Water Runner 

#4 - General Setup 

#5 - Starter 

#6 - Results 

#7 - Grill Master 

#8 - Clean Up 

#9 - Runner 

#10 Concessions Shopper 

#11 - Check-In 

#12 - Timer 

 #13 - Announcer

#14 - Deck Manager 

#15 - Bull Pen

#16 - Lane Manager 

#17 - Parking Attendant 

 #18 - Parking Signs 

#19 - Concessions Setup/Take Down

#20 - Concessions Cashier 
#21 - Concessions Server 


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