Write on swimmers

How to write on your swimmer

The Heat Sheet

Heat sheets list all the swim events 1 through 86 in order, along with the participants in each event, what heat they are in, what lane each swimmer will occupy, and his/her previous best time in that event (if the swimmer has competed in that event before) or it will show "NT" for "No Time." To keep track of when your swimmer is swimming, it is a good idea to go through the heat sheet and highlight each of your swimmer’s events/heats.

Write on your swimmer

Before putting on sunscreen, using a waterproof marker (Sharpie®), write four column headings on your swimmer’s arm
E, H, L, Stroke – for Event, Heat, Lane and Stroke respectively.  
  • Find your swimmer’s name on the heat sheet. For example, see the Sample Heat Sheet below.  Notice Peighton is swimming in Event 25 in Heat 1.  The numbers 1-5 after the / symbol correspond to the assigned lane. Peighton is in lane 2.  Next to the Event number is the distance aknd stroke – 25 Yd Freestyle.  She is also swimming in Event 35, Heat 1, Lane 2, in 25 Yd Breaststroe and Event 57 Heat 1, lane 2 as well. 

Peighton Hart (8)
# 13 Girls 7-8 100 Medley Relay A 1/2 Breast*
# 25 Girls 7-8 25 Free 1/2 NT
# 35 Girls 7-8 25 Breast 1/2 NT
# 57 Girls 7-8 25 Back 1/2 NT
# 77 Girls 7-8 100 Free Relay A 1*

*Relay letters coincide with the lane numbers. (ie. Medley Relay A would be in lane 2, B would be in lane 4 and C would be in lane 5). The Medley Relay would tell them what stroke they are swimming (in this example, she is swimming breaststroke. In event #77, Peighton in swimming in the A relay and she is swimming first (indicated by the #1)
  • Enter the heat sheet information on your swimmer’s arm under each column.

Continue filling in the grid until all of your swimmer’s event information is on the arm (can be as many as five lines long).  Peighton’s arm would read:
  E                H               L                Stroke
  13               1               2               25 Breast
  25               1               2               25 Free
  35               1               2               25 Breast
  57               1               2               25 Back
  77               1               2               25 Free #1

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