Registration info 2018

This year, because has closed, our registration site has moved to Active's Swim Manager. As such, there have been quite a few changes and they are outlined below.

Registration is now on's website.
  1. Browse to
  2. Search for Piranha-Waves
  3. When registration opens, use the large 'register' button to begin the registration process. Or register directly here.
Registration fees 2018
Starting this year, registration fee amount and structure has changed for several reasons. First to make the transition as smooth as possible for both teams we have streamlined our fees as outlined below. Second, the fees now include two important features - a team t-shirt for each registered child and insurance coverage for each swimmer on the team, regardless of pool location.

First swimmer (14 & under)         $126
First swimmer (15-16)                 $66
First swimmer (17-18)                 $35
Additional swimmers                   $86
Non-resident fee per family         $15

Volunteer deposit
We require that all families write a volunteer deposit check of $50. The check will be held until the end of the season and if your volunteer requirements are met, we will either shred or return your check to you. If for any reason you decide up front to not volunteer, then we will go ahead and cash the check.

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