2018 Mock Meet & Time Trial Info

Hello Waves and Piranhas families,

Read this carefully and in its entirety!

The time is here for our Mock Meet/Time Trial. The Mock Meet is an opportunity for everyone to ‘practice doing’ a swim meet before our first meet on Wednesday, May 30th. This will be our first time getting the whole team together for a swim meet for the first time this season, which is really exciting for us!

That being said below is some important information relevant for volunteers, swimmers and families.

You must arrive by 4pm if you are volunteering to allow as much time as possible to get everybody properly situated and setup by 4:55 pm. There will be a volunteer table under the main pavillion for you to sign in, pickup any supplies you need.

At 4:30 pm training and orientation for volunteer jobs will be conducted in ten minute increments. If you signed up to volunteer for, or, want to receive training on these position please gather under the poolside pavilion at the time(s) indicated below.

Volunteer positions
4:30 pm
Timers, Place Judges, Starters
4:40 pm
Lane, Deck Managers, Bull Pen
4:50 pm
Scorers, Results, Runner

If you are new to swim team, here is some helpful information to make the Mock Meet enjoyable for yourselves and guests.
  1. Bring extra towels for swimmers - they are in and out of the water and will use up towels pretty quickly
  2. Bring snacks for yourselves and swimmers, concessions will not be available at this meet
  3. Bring your own folding chairs as there are not enough chairs for everyone to sit
  4. Have sunscreen already applied before coming to the pool
  5. Help swimmers write their names on their back like this - first name, last initial with PC (for Paces Club) or CL (for Chastain Lakes) written directly below their name

For you this meet will be a Time Trial (TT). This means that the coaches will be using your time as part of their planning for our first swim meet on May 30th. When you arrive for the TT, there will be a table manned by our coaches where you will immediately report. We are asking that you arrive by 4PM to check-in/enter the TT. When you get to the table here is your process to enter the TT:
  1. Fill out or turn in your TT entry form. It is pictured below. 
    1. You can skip the line on meet day by completing it before you arrive at the meet and turn it in at the coaches table upon arrival. 
    2. There will also be blank forms available at the coaches table for same-day entries.
  2. Complete only the lower section of the form with your name, Age, Gender and Date of Birth. 
    1. The coaches will assign the stroke.
    2. If you are not prepared to do a particular stroke mark an ‘X’ on it.
  3. Stroke and distances to be done by age group (unless you ‘X’ out a stroke):
    1. Ages 5-6 : 1 length each freestyle and backstroke
    2. Ages 7-18 : 1 length each freestyle, backstroke, breast and fly
  4. Write your name on your back as follows: first name, last initial with PC for Paces Club or CL for Chastain Lakes written directly below your name
  5. Be ready for warm-up at 4:30 PM

(Sample completed entry form below for reference only)

Below you will find the timeline for the Mock Meet. We will try to adhere to this as much as possible but understand that circumstances on the day off may cause events to occur quicker or slower than planned.

3:30-4 pm 
  • Swimmers and volunteers arrive
  • Volunteers check-in at volunteer check-in table
4-4:30 pm 
  • Setup
  • Swimmers fill/turn in TT cards at coach’s table
  • Swimmers write names on their back
  • Swimmers prepare for warm up
4:30-5 pm 
  • Swimmer warm up
  • Volunteer orientation
5-6 pm  
  • Time trial

We ask that you direct all general questions and comments to our Facebook group so that others may see the answers. If your questions are personal in nature send them to pwswims@gmail.com.

Renise, Ute & Taneyha


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