Referee whistles

What referee whistles mean

The sequence of whistles and commands at the start of a race can be confusing, particularly for young swimmers. Further complicating this is that the referee is often a little bit impatient (he wants the swim meet to go as fast as possible so he can go home), and a lot of adults at the meet don’t fully understand the whistles. That’s why it pays to discuss these points with your swimmers on a periodic basis. Please cover the sequence of whistles and commands with your swimmers, and then ask them to repeat the details back to you. If your swimmers can tell YOU what everything means, then we’re well on our way to a successful swim meet. 

Here’s what happens at the start of every heat. 

  1. The Referee will signal the swimmers with a short series of 4 whistle blasts.This 
  2. means get behind the blocks and settle down. Stay loose, but focus on the race. 
  3. The announcer will then say the name of the event and heat over the PA-system. 
  4. This will sound something like, “Event # 1, Girls 50 Free 7-8, Heat 1 of 3.” 
  5. When all swimmers in that heat have approached the blocks,a long whistle is 
  6. blown for the swimmers to step onto the block—or stand on the side of the pool, 
  7. if there are not blocks—and take their preparatory positions. 
  8. Once all swimmers are present and ready, the Referee turns the heat over to the 
  9. starter. He does this by raising his arm in the direction of the starter. 
  10. The Announcer or Starter will then say “Take your marks.” 
  11. When the swimmers are stationary, the Starter will sound the air horn or beep the 
  12. bull horn. That means GO!​ 

  1. The Referee will signal the swimmers with a short series of 4 whistle blasts.This 
    means approach the side of the blocks or side of the pool. 
  2. The announcer will then say the name of the event and heat over the PA system. 
    This will sound something like, “Event # 45, Girls 25 Back 5-6, Heat 2 of 3.” 
  3. When all swimmers have approached the side of the blocks,a long whistle is 
    blown for the swimmers to immediately step into the water. 
  4. Once all swimmers have surfaced,a second long whistle is blown to have the 
    swimmers return to the wall and immediately assume their starting positions. That means grip the rim of the pool with your hands and firmly place your feet against the pool wall. 
  5. Once all swimmers are present and ready, the Referee turns the heat over to the starter. He does this by raising his arm in the direction of the starter. 
  6.  The Announcer or Starter will then say “Take your marks.”
  7.  When the swimmers are stationary,the Starter will sound the air horn or beep the bull horn. That means GO! 

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